Facial Gua sha is an elegant anti-aging beauty technique from the world of Chinese medicine. It involves targeted scraping on your skin to help enhance and rejuvenate your face. Facial Gua sha can help to combat and prevent frown lines, worry lines, eye bags, crow’s feet, smile lines and other signs of aging.
In this revised edition of the classic Facial Gua sha book, you will learn how your body can influence your face and how you can activate the vitality of your skin and muscle tone through ancient Chinese ideas of the natural world.
The book includes sections on Gua sha tools, an introduction to Ecology in Motion™, and over 100 color illustrations. Discover the muscles, channels, and points involved in each part of the face and learn how to complete 5 Gua sha sequences for your face, head, body, arms, and legs to optimize your whole face and neck area.
"The success I've had with the scraping routine in this book is amazing. I have a deviated septum from a broken nose and for the first time in my life my sinuses are both clear at the same time!"
"The diagrams are very easy to follow, the instructions are clear and well explained. All in all, great book on Gua sha. I'm going to purchase his other books for sure!"
"Clear and concise. Wonderful, informative and easy to read guide."
"Good book. Covers in good detail what’s needed to know. Easy to understand. Has great instruction on how to do each area with pictures."
"Fantastic book! Clive explains everything so well that it is easy to understand. So much detail is included to explain the meridians and how they work in the body. Very clear pictures to follow. Totally recommend the book!"
"Beautiful book. Very thorough and informative. Great addition to my library"
"Great Book! Author makes learning the history and techniques fun and easy to read."
"Very interesting read, all the information you will need to start Gua sha"
Facial Gua sha is an elegant anti-aging beauty technique from the world of Chinese medicine. It involves targeted scraping on your skin to help enhance and rejuvenate your face. Facial Gua sha can help to combat and prevent frown lines, worry lines, eye bags, crow’s feet, smile lines and other signs of aging.
In this revised edition of the classic Facial Gua sha book, you will learn how your body can influence your face and how you can activate the vitality of your skin and muscle tone through ancient Chinese ideas of the natural world.
The book includes sections on Gua sha tools, an introduction to Ecology in Motion™, and over 100 color illustrations. Discover the muscles, channels, and points involved in each part of the face and learn how to complete 5 Gua sha sequences for your face, head, body, arms, and legs to optimize your whole face and neck area.
Gua sha Facial es una técnica de belleza de anti-envejecimiento simple y efectiva del Lejano Oriente enfocado en realzar el aspecto y la percepción de su cara de manera totalmente natural. Consiste en técnicas de raspado ligero sobre la piel que ayudan a realzar y rejuvencer la cara, y a combatir y prevenir arrugas, ojeras, patas de gallo, lineas faciales y otros señales de envejecimiento.
Fascial Gua sha neboli gua sha pro obličej je užitečná kosmetická technika ze světa tradiční čínské medicíny. Zahrnuje cílené techniky lehkého škrábání na kůži, které pomáhají zlepšit a omlazovat vaši tvář a předcházení vzniku nebo odstranění vrásek, váčků pod očima a dalších známek ochabnutí a stárnutí pleti. Autor nabízí čtenářům informace a postupy, jak může vaše tělo ovlivnit vaši tvář a jak můžete aktivovat vitalitu pokožky a svalového tonusu prostřednictvím čínských představ o přírodním světě.
È facile pensare che il Gua sha viso non sia altro che passarsi uno strumento sulla pelle allo scopo di tenderla o drenarla, ma il Gua sha viso non è un “ritocchino” veloce, né l’ultima moda cosmetica. Non si tratta di cambiare per diventare come le altre persone ti dicono che dovresti essere. Praticare il Gua sha viso significa valorizzare chi sei, nel tuo aspetto interiore ed esteriore.
Riguarda il fatto di come il presente e il passato abbiano contribuito a renderti la persona che sei e che ora sta leggendo questo libro. Si tratta di usare quelle informazioni per riempire lo spazio, percepito o reale, tra il tu del passato e il tu del presente.
Il lifting naturale a cui fa riferimento il titolo non è legato solo all’idea cosmetica di cambiamento a livello della pelle, ma anche al cambiamento della “facciata” che mostriamo al mondo esterno.
Gua sha Facial es una técnica de belleza de anti-envejecimiento simple y efectiva del Lejano Oriente enfocado en realzar el aspecto y la percepción de su cara de manera totalmente natural. Consiste en técnicas de raspado ligero sobre la piel que ayudan a realzar y rejuvencer la cara, y a combatir y prevenir arrugas, ojeras, patas de gallo, lineas faciales y otros señales de envejecimiento.
Fascial Gua sha neboli gua sha pro obličej je užitečná kosmetická technika ze světa tradiční čínské medicíny. Zahrnuje cílené techniky lehkého škrábání na kůži, které pomáhají zlepšit a omlazovat vaši tvář a předcházení vzniku nebo odstranění vrásek, váčků pod očima a dalších známek ochabnutí a stárnutí pleti. Autor nabízí čtenářům informace a postupy, jak může vaše tělo ovlivnit vaši tvář a jak můžete aktivovat vitalitu pokožky a svalového tonusu prostřednictvím čínských představ o přírodním světě.
È facile pensare che il Gua sha viso non sia altro che passarsi uno strumento sulla pelle allo scopo di tenderla o drenarla, ma il Gua sha viso non è un “ritocchino” veloce, né l’ultima moda cosmetica. Non si tratta di cambiare per diventare come le altre persone ti dicono che dovresti essere. Praticare il Gua sha viso significa valorizzare chi sei, nel tuo aspetto interiore ed esteriore.
Riguarda il fatto di come il presente e il passato abbiano contribuito a renderti la persona che sei e che ora sta leggendo questo libro. Si tratta di usare quelle informazioni per riempire lo spazio, percepito o reale, tra il tu del passato e il tu del presente.
Il lifting naturale a cui fa riferimento il titolo non è legato solo all’idea cosmetica di cambiamento a livello della pelle, ma anche al cambiamento della “facciata” che mostriamo al mondo esterno.
From researching underfunded healthcare in Uganda, to running a thriving chronic illness clinic in North Africa, to collaborating with hospitals in Sri Lanka to train staff and empower communities - My journey has been dedicated to democratizing access to beauty and health.
From researching underfunded healthcare in Uganda, to running a thriving chronic illness clinic in North Africa, to collaborating with hospitals in Sri Lanka to train staff and empower communities - My journey has been dedicated to democratizing access to beauty and health.
Welcome to the ultimate resource for facial Gua sha enthusiasts and professionals – your go-to facial Gua sha guidebook for achieving a natural facelift through ancient Chinese medicine. The revised edition, carefully curated by Clive Witham, delves into the intricate art of Gua sha, offering a step-by-step approach to natural facial rejuvenation.
My Facial Gua sha guidebook introduces a revolutionary approach to Facial treatments—treating the face by nurturing the entire body. Unlike conventional beauty practices, this gua sha guidebook delves into the biomatrix beneath the skin, recognizing the intricate interplay between facial radiance and the balance of interconnected bodily systems. It goes beyond superficial beauty routines, redefining Facial Gua sha as a holistic ritual that mirrors overall well-being. Merging ancient Chinese wisdom with contemporary understanding, the gua sha guidebook seamlessly integrates traditional techniques with modern insights, offering a concise yet comprehensive path to enduring beauty that starts from within.